Ramadan the Month of Purification

As we approach the Blessed Month of Ramadan this second year in the third decade of twenty-first century, you may be feeling apprehension or serenity. It depends on your previous or lack of experience in fasting. Some cannot wait because they know they will have to exercise self-discipline that will bring them into alignment with the nature of balance. Some know they will not be able to participate in the fast because of health reasons or some other mitigating circumstance. Nevertheless, the fast is coming and Allah, inshallah, will bless us all for our efforts what ever our circumstances are.

I also want to make you mindful of the fact this will be a great time to build better health if you have the desire. Whether you can keep the fast or not you can take this month and make some great choices that will enrich your fast by thinking and doing some good work toward your health.

Every year Connie and I use the Soohur (morning) meal to feed our bodies clean burning healthy nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, essential oils, complex carbohydrates, and amino acids in the form of a shake to start the day. Then we pray and read the Juz (1/30) of the Qur’an for that day. After 30 days of this, the Soul, Mind and Body are much healthier than before the fast commenced. This is a great way to preserve your health and build better health. Use the discipline of the fast to totally realign your health. Just the shake for Soohur. You will not be any hungrier than eating a meal that is not as nutritious.

You can use Genesis Health Digest for digestion, Protease for elimination and circulation and our Probiotic for friendly flora. These are enzymes, proteins and polysaccharides that build better health in your body and will also strengthen your mind and save the tissue from mutation. If they are in capsules, you may open them and pour them into the shake or take it as a capsule with a little water. You can use these in addition to your regular meal also.  The main thing is to put the nutrients into the body the instinctive wisdom in the flesh will know what to do with it.

  • Visit our website at www.drnuriddin.com or call (336) 852-3040
  • Tune into our zoom call on health, each Thursday Evening at 9:00PM EST
  • Zoom ID = HTTP://zoom.us/j/5386880784.
  • Password = time (Lower case)
Abdel Nuriddin
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