Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

ADD is associated with functional deviations of the central nervous system without signs of major neurological or psychiatric disturbance. Compounds with opioid-like activities that result from incomplete digestion of proteins have been implied in the etiology of this condition. Proper digestion of all foods and elimination of toxicity may lessen the impact of these biochemical irregularities. Diet is extremely important and intake should be examine closely for food intolerances and elimination of chemicals. Foods with a high glycemic index that cause blood glucose to rise rapidly should be avoided. Caffeine should definitely be eliminated.

  • A digestive enzyme formula taken with meals helps support bio-availability of all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and EFA’s necessary in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters.
  • A protease formula between meals helps ensure proper blood flow and support nervous system communication by helping deliver “messengers,” control inflammation, and remove toxins.
  • And herbal and enzyme blend that feeds and fortifies the nervous system by coming and slowing mental chatter that can create stress.
  • A probiotic supplement further supports digestion and promotes timely elimination while maintaining a healthy gut environment.

TPP Carbo-G    Take 3x day with each meal.

TPP Protease    Take 3x day between meals.

CalmZyme        Take 2x day between meals.

Probiotic          Take at bedtime.

  • Visit our website at or call (336) 852-3040
  • Tune into our zoom call on health, each Thursday Evening at 9:00PM EST
  • Zoom ID = HTTP://
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Abdel Nuriddin
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