Allergies (Food Sensitivities)
An “allergy” is an inflammatory reaction elicited by our immune system toward a foreign molecule which is usually an unrecognizable protein or a small molecule bound to a protein.
An “allergy” is an inflammatory reaction elicited by our immune system toward a foreign molecule which is usually an unrecognizable protein or a small molecule bound to a protein.
Leaky gut is an extremely common problem, but one that is poorly recognize and is rarely tested for. It occurs when the permeability of the gut wall is compromised and large spaces develop between the cells of the gut wall, allowing bacteria, toxins and food particles to enter the bloodstream.
As we approach the Blessed Month of Ramadan this year of 2022, you may be feeling apprehension or in a welcome mood. It depends on your previous or lack of experience in fasting.
Candida albicans is a form of yeast and one of the many organisms that live in the human mouth and G.I. tract. Under normal circumstances, C. albicans live symbiotically in 80% of the human population with no harmful effects, although overgrowth result in candidiasis.
Are you always tired? Feeling older than you are? Your adrenals and thyroid play a vital role in regulating your hormones, and if out of balance they can exacerbate the aging process. Consider Dr. Nuriddin’s solution for natural adrenal/thyroid support.
The two conditions known as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are Crohns and Ulcerative Colitis. However, because our fundamental approach to support a healthy digestive system is basically the same for any inflammation in the G.I. tract, we will also consider diverticulitis, ulcers, and hemorrhoids in this protocol.
The natural “fight or flight” reaction when confronted with a “stressor” is intended to help prepare the body to deal with emergency situations. However, when we perceive many situations as emergencies, the body is in a constant state of low-grade fight or flight.
The body’s immune system normally fights off foreign substances, such as viruses or toxins. But in an auto-immune disease, the immune system confuses healthy tissue for foreign substances and the body attacks itself.
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