Genesis Needed Fatty Acids (60)

Support heart, brain and eye health with Needed Fatty Acids

Our bodies need various fatty acids to maintain optimal organ health, and therefore whole-body health. Essential fatty acids have been popular in supplements for a long time, as omega-3s have undergone a great deal of medical research. And the research is clear – fatty acids like eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are critical to heart, brain and eye function. What’s also clear is that most people do not get enough EPA and DHA in their diet.

The human body can only produce a small amount of omega-3s and we have to get the rest from the food and supplements we take. Our Needed Fatty Acids supplement is one option and ensures you get enough EPA and DHA to keep critical organs nourished.


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What’s inside every dose of Needed Fatty Acids?

Each dose of Needed Fatty Acids contains the two primary omega-3s that doctors recommend – EPA and DHA. Here’s a quick look at each:

  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) – EPA is found in large amounts in fatty, cold-water fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, sardines and various shellfish. It can also be found in some vegetables and nuts, like seaweed, chia seeds, flaxseeds, walnuts and kidney beans.EPA is produced in small amounts by the body from another essential fatty acid (alpha-linolenic acid). EPA can also be processed into DHA, but because the EPA to DHA conversion is inefficient, it’s far more effective to derive both EPA and DHA from diet or supplementation.
  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) – DHA is found in many of the same foods that EPA is found in. This includes fatty fish like salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines and shellfish. DHA can also be found in some grass-fed dairy and meat products, along with omega-3 enriched eggs.
    In the body, DHA is typically incorporated into cell membranes, where it can increase the presence of fluid and facilitate better communication between nerve cells and other cells. Because of this, a lack of DHA can slow down neurological signaling.

Why are essential fatty acids like Omega-3s important for whole-body health?

EPA and DHA are linked to all kinds of health benefits, and we can’t list them all here. Some of the most important health-related impacts, though, include:

Improved cardiovascular health

The strongest research links EPA to better heart health. EPA can reduce or even reverse some forms of heart disease. It lowers triglyceride counts, can reduce blood pressure and help with artery calcification. The impact on triglycerides is especially notable and has been backed by multiple studies. One study that included 229 patients, found that taking 4 grams of EPA a day reduced triglyceride counts by 33 percent.

DHA is also correlated with better heart health and, like EPA, it can reduce triglyceride counts. It can also help with blood pressure, potentially lowering cholesterol and maintaining endothelial cells. Endothelial cells line the inside of blood vessels, where they regulate the transport of material into and out of the blood. Endothelial dysfunction is a major driver of health problems, but DHA can help prevent it.

Better neurological function

Both EPA and DHA are tightly associated with better neurological development, especially in babies and young children. Studies show that if pregnant women supplement with omega-3s during the third trimester of pregnancy, it results in improved neurological development in their child.

DHA deficiencies in young children are associated with a higher risk of several disorders, including ADHD, learning disabilities and increased aggression. DHA can also reduce the risk of certain neurological diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, in older people.

EPA can also be a brain-booster, as it is considered a potential treatment option for depression. A meta-analysis of 28 clinical studies found that EPA supplementation reduced the self-reported severity of people with depression. Another analysis of 15 clinical studies found similar results.

Better eye and vision health

DHA, in particular, is linked to improved eye health and vision, as a result. DHA activates membrane proteins in the eyes known as rhodopsin. Rhodopsin alters the thickness, permeability and fluidity around the eye’s membranes, and does so in a way that helps the eyes produce clearer images.

Help with menopause symptoms

Menopause brings a few unpleasant symptoms with it, including uncomfortable hot flashes. Hot flashes cause sudden surges in upper body temperature that can produce night sweats and just general discomfort.

Regarding hot flashes, there’s a 75 percent prevalence rate for women in perimenopause, so this an extremely common phenomenon. It’s also something that omega-3s can help with. EPA is particularly helpful, and one eight-week clinical study found that women who took EPA were able to reduce the number of hot flashes from about 2.5 a day to 1.5 a day. One less hot flash a day is worth an omega-3 supplement for many women.

Needed Fatty Acids includes zero allergens or irritants

There are important nutrients in Needed Fatty Acids and no ingredients that could provoke an allergic response. In every dose of Needed Fatty Acid, you won’t find any dairy products, lactose, peanuts, sugar or wheat.

Fortify critical organs with Needed Fatty Acids

Essential fatty acids like omega-3s are important nutrients for our body’s most important organs. Both EPA and DHA support cardiovascular and neurological health, and can reduce the risk of various diseases and disorders, as a result.

Getting enough of these needed nutrients is a challenge, however, especially for people who don’t consume much fish. For those people, supplementing with Needed Fatty Acids can be a simple way to get the omega-3s they need for whole-body health.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Abdel Nuriddin
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