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Testimony of Imam Bashir Ali, National Convener of Imams with Imam W. Deen Mohammed

I am writing this letter in testimonial support of Imam Dr. Abdel Nuriddin and his recent presentation at our 2018 Imams’ Conference, held in Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Nuriddin gave his presentation on “Individual and Community Health” on Saturday, October 6th. Highlights of the presentation included:

  • The necessity of a paradigm shift from curative to preventative individual and community health care;
  • Understanding how what we eat contributes to our long-term health;
  • The relationship between good health and proper digestion;
  • The importance of nutrients and water with the right pH balance in maintaining our health;
  • The importance of internal organ cleansing with natural herbs and enzymes; and
  • The necessity for “sustained action” as a lifestyle for good health.

Dr. Nuriddin’s presentation was enthusiastically received by the conference participants. His presentation also received “Excellent” ratings from our Conference Evaluation Summary. As a conference participant, I was deeply impressed by both the content and delivery of the subject matter. I highly recommend his workshop and companion book “Help Yourself to Ultimate Health” to others!

If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at 309-208-2847 (cell) or mecacenter.ba@gmail.com (email).

Peace and Blessings,

Imam Dr. Bashir Ali
National Convener of Imams

Pedro M.

“I was diagnosed with Parkinson Disease in 2012. Six months after the onset, I suffered non-stop hands, fingers, arm and head tremors. I also experienced rigidity and stiffness of the limbs and trunk, which gets worse during movement.

In July 2014, I was introduced to Soul. I take 3 sachets a day. After two weeks I can walk, stand and sleep without tremors. We are very thankful to our almighty father for giving us these instruments. Thank you Rain International.”

Lashawn L.

“While undergoing PT for knee surgery, I developed sciatica nerve pain as well. My hair stylist shared one pack of SOUL with me, which I drank immediately, because I was in agony while getting my hair done. She also gave me one pack to take later that evening.

The next morning, I had no swelling in my knee, the sciatica nerve pain and the pain in my reconstructed knee was gone. I have been taking two packets of SOUL daily since then and I feel amazingly letter.”

Martha Ross M.


  • 23 years ago Fibromyalgia
  • 22 years ago Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • 13 years ago inserted pain pumps plus 2nd pump inserted 9 years ago


  • After 3 months taking Soul I decrease morphine 150 mgs/day
  • After 6 months successfully completed 1st physical therapy in years
  • After 5 month put wheel chair away, no longer need a cane

Henry M.

“Dr. Nuriddin has a wealth of knowledge about herbal medicine, natural healing, holistic healing, and spiritual, mental, as well as physical health.”

Baseemah H.

“I thought Dr. Abdel Nuriddin’s health workshop was exceptionally informative with knowledge we all should share with every person (Muslim and Non-Muslim).

The late Imam W. Deen Mohammed really wanted us to learn and be involved in practicing better health steps for ourselves. He wanted us to have more clarity from nutritional experts and medical doctors to help us make informed decisions.

I am thankful for Dr. Nuriddin’s dedication and concern to bring these workshops to our community.”


“I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2013 and had surgery June 2013. After suffering from the side effects of chemotherapy, I discovered SOUL. The Chemo side effects disappeared. Soul healed my body and mind, and gave me back my life. I joined as a RAIN partner and still drink two packets of SOUL a day.”

Rev. Emmanuel O.

“I recently attended Dr. Abdel Nuriddin presentation at the Masjid Bilal in Cleveland Ohio.   I must say, that I was pleasantly surprised at the detail information that he provided.  I was very enlightened by his knowledge of the health issues and remedies.  I would recommend anyone that I know to attend his workshop.”

Francois H.

“Dr. Nuriddin is amazing and a wealth of wise knowledge. He has taught me more about health and wellness in the last 11 months than any other doctor. I highly recommend him.”

Scott “Rhino” H.

“Dr. Nuriddin is a wealth of knowledge and genuinely cares about his clients. He’s a fantastic doctor and a super human being as well. A true servant leader who can help us prosper in both wealth and wellness.”

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